Bangsawan Tua..... Google Webmaster Tool ? what exactly ? Google Webmaster
Tools is a tool managed to index the content or sites we point to our website
easier to find people. This time I will discuss primarily the Webmaster Tool -
you are already enrolled in managed google webmaster tools you surely already
know, there are three important parts inside the crawl errors, the Search Query
and Site Map.
a beginner in the world of bloggers certainly familiar with webmaster tools,
plus more if the Search Queries section indicates no data. Obviously we would
ask - ask. What happened was ??
do not have to worry about anything like this. Webmaster Tool takes time to
browse our website, or crawl and if you see the 'no data' like the picture
above you can see it later. If google had finished tracing the data no earlier
will appear alone.
you look at the search queries no data was caused because no one has clicked
your site, so we are required to forward to google this policy and do not act
in violation of the terms Webmaster Tool because it will hurt our own
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