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Ways to Make Money on YouTube

Hi Bangsawan Tua .... To make money virtual world there are a lot of ways, ranging from good to bad way. Of course this post I will discuss it either way. In addition to the blog as a medium to earn money as we all know, YouTube can also be used to search for purse - purse advantage. This time I will discuss about Tips to Make Money on Youtube.

This post inspired me NewShow event on Metro TV that aired on August 5, 2014 by Sacha guest Leondardo Stevenson. He is a real example that has made YouTube as a commercial income. Sacha Stevenson was born in Canada he is an artist he is currently utilizing Youtube Youtube as his job. With today's advanced cameras capitalize he was able to rake in a decent profit. What is his work on Youtube ?? His work made ​​a video on the theme of the behavior of the Indonesian people a day - day. Why did he choose the behavior of the people of Indonesia as a theme? because he considered the behavior of Indonesian society is very diverse and rarely also the Caucasians still make a video about Indonesia.

Getting money from the media there are actually two ways sosila first PPC (Pay Per Clik) and second through the ads of brands of an item. Well now I will give you tips to get money from Youtube:

  •  Just like blogger if bloggers should regularly update the article, so if in the Youtube video should regularly update.
  •  Make Videos that have a theme, why so ?? just imagine if we made ​​a random video - wild audience will definitely get bored, and therefore make a video that has a theme. As performed by Sacha Stevenson.
  • Do not make a video of the SARA, the money that we can not but insults that we can.
  • Patience, if we do business virtual world we have to wait to get our goals. May not only make a video just instantly get an abundance of money.

Well from my article you might be inspired to develop the work - you work for those who already have work and those who have may be motivated to discover new things.

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